Kathy Nolan exemplifies gratitude and resilience. Here is her story in her own words:
Tell us about yourself.
Who am I? My goodness, that could take forever! I’m a life-long learner/educator; sister, wife, friend, colleague; and I don’t take myself too seriously. Life’s just too short for that nonsense!
Describe your accomplishment.
During a dance with cancer this past year that is now cured, I lost 60 pounds and have maintained that loss since my last treatment on January 9, 2019. Recently, I purchased an Apple watch and have begun walking over a mile everyday along with working out with Sonia at “Get 2 the Core”.
How long have you been pursuing your goal?
Well, when you are born a size 6X, LOL… I’ve been pursuing a weight loss goal all of my life. I’ve never been thin or even average always overweight and very concerned about it. Tried many diets and lost and gained weight over and over again repeatedly.
What were three key things that helped you achieve your goal?
I haven’t achieved it yet as I have 30 more pounds I plan to lose and also to run a 5K race in the fall. Cancer, as bad as the treatment process was, was a gift to me with the weight loss. However, I would highly recommend you not using it as a weight loss tool.
What obstacles did you face in achieving your goal?
For months, I couldn’t eat due to the treatments and how they made food taste to me. Now that I can eat and some foods taste good again, I must be cautious with what I eat, ensuring the food I consume works to help me regain my health but not additional weight. That is a life-long challenge for me.
What advice can you offer for others with a similar goal?
Don’t quit trying! Health feels so much better that being in an unhealthy state. Keep up with the exercise again, DO NOT QUIT! And finally, don’t expect it to be easy. Changing habits and overeating is a habit, takes time and perseverance.
Why did you choose Get2TheCore Fitness?
God found her for me. I did an internet search for trainers in Stark County and was drawn to [Sonia’s] website. She met me where I was and never let me lose faith in what I could accomplish.
How long have you been a client at Get2TheCore Fitness?
Three years and I plan to continue with her indefinitely. I’m trying hard to get two sessions in each week when my schedule permits but in the meantime I’m walking in hopes of walking/running a 5K in the fall. This goal scares the bee gee bees out of me but that keeps me motivated.