Lara Bar IngredientsLara Bars are a great on-the-go snack. With a short list of healthy ingredients, I think they are one of the best bars on the market today. At our March More than a Meal event, I shared my own cashew cookie lara bar recipe that you can make at home!


Cashew Cookie Larabar Recipe (yields 12 squares)


  • 1 cup Medjool date, pitted
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • ¼ cup peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon water

Cashew Cookie Lara Bars


  1. Combine dates, cashews, peanut butter and water in a food processor and puree until mixture starts to stick together.  Add a little more water if necessary to help mixture come together.
  2. Pick up date mixture and using your hands work to squeeze it together into one big clump.  Mash it down on a cutting board or sheet of wax paper to form into one even rectangle shape using the sides of your hands (or a knife) to make the edges straight.
  3. Slice into 12 even squares.  For best results store in the fridge, although bars can be kept at room temperature.

I found this recipe for DIY Lara Bars on the 100 Days of Real Food blog. Lisa Leake created an excellent resource to help you cut out processed foods from your diet so if you are looking for fresh recipes without all of the extra junk, you should check her out!

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